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Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics|Ice Ribbon holds open house event|Bing Dwendwen 国家速滑馆举行建设者及家人开放日活动|冰丝带|
Beijing 2022|Ice making at National Speed Skating Oval completed 国家速滑馆制冰工作结束|冰丝带|Ice Ribbon
The most beautiful “Ribbon”, the fastest “Ice”!
Beijing 2022 | the CO2 transcritical ice-making technology in the National Speed Skating Oval
Finding the secret of the fastest ice
Beijing 2022 | highlight of the Nationsl Speed Skating Oval: the hyperbolic paraboloid structure
Take a look at China's national speed skating stadium for 2022 Winter Olympic Games -The "Ice Belt"
The ice maker behind Beijing's Olympic records
National Speed Skating Oval NSSO
National Stadium|the Bird‘s Nest|the first venue:opening and closing ceremonies of two olympics
Meet the person behind the eco-friendly ice
Humans of Beijing 2022: Fu Zhaokun, builder behind the National Alpine Ski Center